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Q1 2024/25

We went into this financial year with a brilliant team in place, taking on more guests than ever, ready to start a new programme and expand our existing offering.



Q2 2023/24

In Q2 we took on more cases than ever before and started serving over 100 guests per week at our drop in alone. We got started with offering Mind personal development and therapy sessions to guests and launched advice and support surgeries at our West London location.

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End of Year draft report 2023/24

2023/24 was a huge year for Restart. Our team more than doubled in size, and so did our capacity to provide support at a high level. Read our provisional report (not yet filed with companies house).


Q1 2023/24

At the start of this financial year we took on a new CEO to build our infrastructure and reset the vision for Restart Lives, making the most of the generous funding we had received from Lloyds Foundation and others.


Q3 2023/24

This year Restart has been growing like never before and to make sure that growth is sustainable, this quarter we have had to do time consuming work on the business end of the charity, in terms of policy refreshes, systems development and hiring new staff to meet demand.

Registered Charity Number 1128848

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