Two dedicated caseworkers support individuals on a one to one basis, helping them to define their own goals, and then to reach those, whether they relate to housing, employment, personal development or medical issues, to name just a few areas.
We have the capacity to take on roughly 30 new cases each quarter.
Cases come to us via self-referral at any of our services, or via referral from partner organisations.
Anyone wishing to chat to someone about possibly starting to work one to one with a caseworker and get a bit of dedicated support can find our caseworkers at the Drop In at St Columba's Church, Knightsbridge, each Friday, 6.30-8.30pm, at Lighthouse at Hackney Church every second Wednesday 12-2pm, an Lighthouse at St Leonard's Church, Shoreditch, every second Thursday 12-2pm. No appointment necessary at these locations, just come and chat.
Every Tuesday, our caseworkers are at the Job Centre in Hoxton 10am-1pm - your work coach would need to refer you to us there for an appointment.
You can email or with any questions or to see if we can take you, or someone you know, on as a case.